How do automated market makers operate in cryptocurrency?

Cryptocurrency has unquestionably been one of the most powerful recent technological innovations due to its focus on decentralization. Now that financial transactions may be carried out directly between two parties without the use of a middleman, it is possible to swap assets without any trust. The success of important bitcoin exchanges like Coinbase is encouraging.

Furthermore, according to recent studies, the number of verified Coinbase platform users climbed by at least three times between 2019 and 2021. On the other hand, decentralized trading platforms have become more popular. While running trading spheres on blockchain networks, several intriguing platforms provide users with incentives for creating liquidity.

In this post, we’ll first take a broad look at how conventional market maker systems have worked in the past, then define automated market makers, and lastly, talk about how the new automated alternative functions. 


What do conventional market makers do? 


Knowledge of conventional market makers is required to understand the automated market maker (AMM) technology. Market makers provide the liquidity necessary for transactions to take place at or close to the quoted price in conventional markets for commodities like gold, oil, and equities.

A market maker’s primary responsibility is to locate customers for the products or services of sellers. With a corresponding buy-and-sell order, a trade can be carried out. The order book concept, in which orders are gathered and maintained in a central database, is comparable to this approach.

The order book exchange is a tried-and-true technique in international finance, and it can be advantageous for many market makers and investors. Think about what would happen if cryptocurrencies were involved. In the event that you wished to sell your tokens, the conventional market maker would locate a buyer.

In contrast, the market maker is in charge of finding acceptable purchasers if investors want to buy a token. Market makers in the financial industry have historically been large financial firms.

When buying and selling assets, the traditional market makers’ willingness to accept risks was astounding. To protect against these risks, traditional market makers paid a fee per covered asset.

The traditional market maker process, however, can take a long time when smart contracts are involved. AMMs are crucial in this type of setting because of this. 


crypto, blockchain networks


What are automated market makers? 


If you are interested in learning more about automated market makers after learning about the function of a market maker, keep reading. Decentralized exchanges (DEX) are all about eliminating the middlemen when it comes to exchanging cryptocurrencies. Consider checking PancakeSwap pricing and examining them in real-time as an excellent AMM example.

Additionally, DEX users enjoy a high level of independence when doing transactions straight from their non-custodial wallets. The employment of autonomous protocols known as autonomous market makers to replace order matching systems and the order book paradigm is the most fascinating aspect of decentralized exchanges, though.

At its essence, an automated market maker is a protocol, algorithm, or formula that simplifies the pricing of assets. Instead of the order book model employed by traditional exchanges, the automated market maker algorithm is used to assist in asset pricing. It is critical to remember that each protocol may employ a slightly different AMM formula.

But who are these market makers in crypto, how do they act? It’s interesting to note that each AMM has a different algorithm depending on the use case it wants to target. But there is one thing in common amongst all AMMs: they all use algorithms to determine asset prices.

AMMs have the capacity to decentralize the acquisition of fair crypto-asset valuations, paving the door for each user to establish their market on a blockchain-based system. 


How do computerized market makers operate? 


Automated market creation allows independent cryptocurrency traders to transact on a decentralized exchange. It only takes one person to buy or sell bitcoin. A smart contract, for instance, may be used to make cryptocurrency sales easier.

This smart contract establishes the market or the two parties to the transaction. Decentralized finance involves user and contract interactions rather than direct transactions between people. Instead of an order book, the exchange’s algorithm sets the asset price on AMM exchanges.

AMM cryptocurrency trades are also made feasible through liquidity providers. A user that provides tokens to a liquidity pool is referred to as a liquidity provider in the cryptocurrency world. Tokens are issued that represent a portion of the liquidity pool that the liquidity provider controls in order for the provider to take part in AMMs. Convertible tokens are available. 


What exactly are liquidity providers and pools? 


Liquidity pools are essential to the smooth operation of the AMM DEFI ecosystem. The operation of AMMs is predicated on this notion. Assets are aggregated into “liquidity pools” in smart contracts.

Contrary to traditional and centralized exchanges, liquidity in liquidity pools does not require approval from a watchdog organization that keeps track of everyone’s finances.

On the other hand, the liquidity providers prefer to be paid for each successful transaction, such as the exchange of BTC and LTC. As a result, they are willing to secure a portion of their assets in a smart contract.

In the financial industry, liquidity pools have yet to be widely used. It is still a fascinating concept with the potential to speed up and make even the most routine banking operations simpler.

As more users execute transactions via liquidity pools, the incentives for liquidity providers to do so wane. The core benefit of liquidity pools remains valid even in that scenario, but with a reduced danger of short-term loss. 




Automated market makers fix the flaws in the conventional market making. For traders and market makers, the traditional process requires manual labor, which takes up more time. The decentralized finance sector has made considerable strides as a result of this fresh source of liquidity.